Earl Grey Tea is named after Charles Grey 2nd Earl Grey who died in 1845. Earl Grey was prime minister to King William IV of England.
Claim are made that this tea was first known in the early 1830s. The formula for this blend is said to have been given to the British earl by a Chinese mandarin.
Earl Grey tea is made with flavor from the bergamot fruit – a citrus.
Not all Earl Grey teas incorporated the same blend of black teas, but they should all carry the flowery, pungent, and citrus aroma and taste of bergamot.
Bergamot oil the essence from bergamot fruit is an extract of the rind bergamot orange that has a pleasant refreshing scent, which suits it well for use in candies, medicines and perfumes.
Today there are nine Earl Grey blends, each distinctive each just a bit different from all the others. Traditional Earl Grey, called Earl Grey Imperial is a blend of three black teas.
Earl Grey tea
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