Tea bags consumption and history
A New York tea merchant named William Sullivan invented tea bags accidently in 1904.
He had the idea of sending samples of tea to customer in hand sewn silk bags rather than in a tin.
He was soon flooded with orders for the convenient tea bags.
Making herbal blends from scratch might not be everyone’s cup of tea and for that reason, tea bags are a welcome convenience.
Although true tea aficionados shun them, tea bags can make an acceptable cup of tea.
They’re also readily available and provide convenience for those with a go-go-go lifestyle for new comers to the world of herbal teas, and for those who are traveling or dining in restaurants.
If your carry a few wrapped tea bags in your purse, briefcase, or backpack, you have only to request, “Hot water, please’” when you are on the road or in places where herbal teas are not available.
Happily, herbal teas are now more available than ever. Yet in order for the herbs to be put into tea bags, they are ground into a very fine cut that exposes the surfaces areas of the herbs thousands of times, thus allowing flavorful and therapeutic essential oils to evaporate more quickly.
When the tea bags sit for many months before being used, the herbs they contain lose potency. Many companies compensate for this loss by adding natural or unnatural flavorings to the herbs.
Tea bags consumption and history
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