In osteoporosis, a disease of low bone-mineral density (BMD), the bones and joints become thin and fragile.
It is the biggest cause of fractures among elderly women. Hormone deficiencies are the leading cause of the disease.
Tea is reported to protect against hip fractures. There was a study suggest that drinking 1-6 cups/d of tea may significantly reduce the risk of bone fracture by increasing bone-mineral density (BMD).
Studies suggest that isoflavonoids in tea increase BMD and help reduce the risk of fractures in old age.
Of the 1256 women between the ages of 65 an 76 year who surveyed, 1134 drank at least 1 cup/d of tea. BMD at the base of the spine and at two hip regions was significantly higher in tea drinkers when the data were adjusted to account for age and body weight.
Tea and Osteoporosis