Green tea for your belly
Belly fat is not just unbecoming, it is dangerous to your long term, health and well being. When excessive fat is stored inside your abdominal cavity it has devastating metabolic consequences.
This intra abdominal adipose tissue continually dumps fatty acids into the bloodstream poisoning your muscles so they become unresponsive to the normal action of insulin.
That means your insulin, sugar, cholesterol, and blood pressure levels go up, predisposing you to high blood pressure diabetes heart disease and even some forms of cancer.
Finding a way selectively burn this toxic belly fat has been the holy grail of scientists and dieters alike, but to has proved to be an elusive goal.
Evolving evidence points to green tea and its components like theanine and catechins as at least part of the answer to this problem.
You will need to drink about three to four cups of either caffeinated or decaffeinated green tea per day to see the full benefits including weight loss, increased metabolism and a shrinking waistline.
Green tea for your belly
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