Tea contains various bioactive components, such as polyphenolic compounds (catechins and epicatechins), theaflavins, flavonol glycosides, L-theanine, caffeine, theobromine, and volatile organic substances.
Many studies have indicated that tea and its bioactive components possess multiple health functions, including antioxidation, anti-inflammation, immuno-regulation, anticancer, cardiovascular-protection, anti-diabetes, anti-obesity, and hepato-protection.
These bioactive components are responsible for the astringency, flavor, aroma, and taste of the tea as well as its health beneficial effects.
The phytochemical components are involved in the prevention and cure of many illnesses like cardiovascular diseases, malignancy, digestive dysfunction, and metabolic disorders like obesity, diabetes.
Catechins are a type of polyphenol and are the main astringency component in green tea, long known as tannins. There are four main types of catechins found in tea leaves.
*Epicatechin gallate
*Epigallocatechin gallate
Catechins in tea are not only essential in plant physiology but also tremendously beneficial to human health, acting as antioxidants, as well as anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, antihypertensive, anticancer, and antimicrobial agents
Catechins oxidize extremely easily. In green tea, since the process for making crude tea involves halting the action of oxidizing enzymes, most of the catechins remain unoxidized. In addition, other polyphenols like gallic acid, chlorogenic acid, ellagic acid, galloylquinic acid, kaempferol-3-O-glucoside (kaempferol-3-G) and various flavonoids are also found in tea.
Tea flavonoids show strong antioxidant properties. Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) is thought to reduce inflammation, aid weight loss, and help prevent heart and brain disease. Numerous health benefits associated with drinking green tea are typically credited to its EGCG content
As an antioxidant, EGCG protects body cells from damage associated with oxidative stress and suppresses the activity of pro-inflammatory chemicals produced in your body, such as tumor necrosis factor-alpha.
Caffeine and other methylxanthine regulate the intracellular second messenger levels. The main effects of caffeine include increased alertness and a mild diuretic effect. Since caffeine has a stimulant effect on the central nervous system (CNS), it can ward off drowsiness and increase the capacity for mental or physical labor.
Bioactive compounds in tea
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