Tea produced in the Assam valley of North East India is normally referred to as Assam tea.
In India, Assam plays a dominant role in the country’s tea-map by producing more than half of the total tea production of India. The encouragement by the colonial government and initiatives by private tea planters made rapid flourishing of tea industry in the state.
Tea in Assam acquires special characteristics due to genetic and environmental interactions. Assam tea is the product of the plant Camellia sinensis var. assamica, whether grown in Assam or Darjeeling. Cultural practices and the manufacturing process also play an important in the development of the unique characteristics of the end product.
Development of the qualifying Assam characteristics in the Brahmaputra valley is determined primarily by the polyphenols present specifically catechins.
Assam teas are rich and dense with a dark reddish-amber color. Some have a thick malty flavor, while others have characteristics that impart a subtle, dark raspberry jam flavor. Assam tea is sturdy and bold and parts well with milk and sugar.
Cream, which settles down on the cooling of a tea infusions, is a measure of Assam tea quality. The color of this cream varies from orange to a brown. The creaming property is measured by the cream index which is a measure of the quality of cream.
Assam tea
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